This post follows on from our last post, Back to Nature with Theo v. Fellenberg. It is dedicated to the memory and wonderful, inspiring life of Theres v. Fellenberg, who sadly passed away on 20th July. Our thoughts, love and condolences are with the v. Fellenverg family.
In the interview below, Michael, son of Theo and Theres v. Fellenberg, reflects on his experiences of growing up in nature. The family spent ten years in Bodio Monti in the mountains, relatively isolated from civilisation as we know it. Bodio Monti is at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea and lies in the Leventina valley close to the highest Alps.
Theo and his wife Theres bought a good house and barn in Bodio Monti for their ten year stay.
Reminiscent of Theo’s world wide travels are the skull and horns of a yak lying at the back of the house.
As an adult, and father of two small children, Michael has a broad experiential understanding on how growing up in nature – without modern technology – has shaped his life and is now shaping the lives of his two children. Michael and his children often stay in Bodio Monti.
In places the mountain side was carved out for the road to pass. This road was the way to and from school for the four children on foot or horseback.
The view of Bodio village in the valley below from the road leading to Bodio monti.
At Bodio monti is a funicular to the village of Bodio, which is used for the transport of goods.
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Have you ever noticed how much calmer and more engaged your children are when they are outside in the natural world? ‘Growing up Wild: 30 Great Ways to Get Your Kids Outdoors’ by Alexia Barrable and Duncan Barrable is for anyone who wants to encourage their children to spend more time in nature.
1000 Hours Outside is a blog by parents Ginny and Josh. Their “1000 Hours Outside Goal” is loosely based on the writing of Charlotte Mason. The idea is that freedom to be in nature has profound developmental benefits for children.